Google says it switched to only showing default entries for public holidays and national observances last year.Google says it switched to only showing default entries for public holidays and national observances last Jay PetersSome Google Calendar users are angrily calling the company out after noticing that certain events like Pride month
PlayStation Network is down
PSN has been experiencing a multi-hour outage. You might have trouble loading purchased digital games or seeing which friends are online.PSN has been experiencing a multi-hour outage. You might have trouble loading purchased digital games or seeing which friends are Jay PetersPlayStation Network (PSN) has been experiencing a multi-hour ou
'Dangerous proposition': Top scientists warn of out-of-control AI
Yoshua Bengio and Max Tegmark, two of the world’s most prominent AI scientists, warned of the dangers of uncontrollable artificial intelligence.sourceSponsor:News technical sponsor Sponsor:News AI sponsor Sponsor: AI sponsor Sponsor: AI sponsor
One of tax return filing season's biggest financial risks isn't an IRS audit
The fake IRS emails and texts announcing tax refunds and credits are already on the way. It’s tax filing season, so beware of the onslaught of financial scams.sourceSponsor:News technical sponsor Sponsor:News AI sponsor Sponsor: AI sponsor Sponsor: AI sponsor